







ATTENDANCE TO THE WORKSHOP “Jornada sobre sensores para la medida de la calidad del aire urbano”

Date: 25-02-2016

Place: Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas - CIEMAT, Madrid (Spain)

Actions: D1 - E2

Within the dissemination activities of the PHOTOCITYTEX project, the CEAM Foundation attended a session organized by UPM within the frame of the project TECNAIRE (Innovative technologies for the evaluation and improvement of the quality of the urban air). The event was held in CIEMAT, Madrid. The consortium includes six research groups from public universities and public research institutions, and two public administrations and the focus is the city of Madrid.

The workshop explained the objectives and actions in the project TECNAIRE and then focused on the development of sensors for air quality measurements. The interest in attending this workshop is the clear connection to the aim of the PHOTOCITYTEX project since both aim at improving the air quality in urban sites. Also because within this project, two samples of a prototype of sensors have been developed and installed in Quart de Poblet: one in the tunnel and one in the school. 

Nearly 60 people attended the workshop and leaflets on the PHOTOCITYTEX project were used. Also, the session gave the chance to discuss strategies for depollution adopted in both projects and it is worth to mention a first contact with Dr. Rafael Borge, coordinator of TECNAIRE and partner of a LIFE project on photocatalysis ( PHOTOSCALING: Sustainability of photocatalytic technologies in urban pavements: From laboratory tests to in field compliance criteria) in the name of UPM.


LIFE PHOTOCITYTEX - Air pollution treatment in European urban environments by means of photocatalytic textiles. LIFE13 ENV/ES/000603. info@ceam.es