Esteban Chirino Miranda - Personal information
JA Valiente
Position: Professor-researcher Faculty of Agricultural in the Universidad Laica "Eloy Alfaro" de Manabí (Ecuador)

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Personal website Esteban Chirino
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Scientific profile
Dr. Esteban Chirino is professor-researcher with an experience of over thirty years in the sphere university. Your professional activity is divided into three stages: Stage 1 (1984 - 1996), mainly dedicated to the teaching of second cycle at the Agricultural University of Havana, Cuba; Stage 2 (1997 - 2014), mainly dedicated to research and postgraduate teaching in Spain (University of Alicante and CEAM Foundation), and Stage 3 (2015 - at present) dedicated to research in two Ecuadorian universities. Currently, Dr. Chirino is professor-researcher in the Faculty of Agricultural in the Universidad Laica "Eloy Alfaro" de Manabí (Ecuador).
Engineer Agricultural by Agricultural University of Havana (1983, Cuba), Master of Science by IAMZ-CHIEM (1986, Spain), Degree in Environmental Sciences by University "Miguel Hernández" of Elche (2006, Spain), and Ph.D. in Biology from the University of Alicante (2003, Spain). Specialized in Functional Ecology, Ecohydrology and Ecological Restoration. He has participated in more than 25 research projects (Regional, National and European), being the principal researcher in two projects. It has more than 50 publications (journals indexed in the SCI, journals with ISSN and chapters book). Accredited by ANECA (Spain), he has demonstrated his teaching and training capacity in Cuba, Mexico, Bolivia, Peru, Brazil, Ecuador and Spain. Coauthor of the ecohydrological model HYDROBAL®, also has patented Tray and Forest Container. He was a member of the Editorial Board of Plant journal (SPG). Currently is a member of several Spanish professional associations (AEET, SECF) and international associations (SER, SIACRE).