Elisabeth Karlstad Larsen - Personal information

Position: Researcher
Meteorology and Pollutant Dynamics Department
Fundación CEAM

mail karlstad_eli@gva.es
mail 34 96 131 82 27
Scientific network profiles

Scientific profile
Elisabeth Karlstad Larsen graduated with a Merit in MSc Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security from Lancaster Univeristy September 2015. For her master's degree she worked on the transnational project WATBIO (Development of improved perennial non-food biomass and bioproduct crops for water-stressed enviornments), investegating how contrasting genotypes of Poplar responds to drought, for bioenergi purposes. The investigation included both a greenhouse trial and a fieldplot investigation. She presented her work at the Perennial Biomass Crops for a Resource Constrained World, in Hohenheim Germany up on submition. After graduation she continued to work for the Environment Centre at Lancaster, researching the connection between plant root growth and phosphorus deficiency in bedding plants. After finishing her research at Lancaster in 2016 she got accepted for a PhD in Ecology, a position developed as a collaboration between CEAM and the University of Alicante. She is now working on the VERSUS project, in the eco-hydrological part of the research (Work packages 4, 7 and 8).