José Luis Palau - Personal information
José Luis Palau - Position: Modelling and Project Coordinator
Meteorology and Pollutant Dynamics Department
Fundación CEAM

mail 34 638 75 57 86
Scientific network profiles
ResearchGate JL_Palau
Google Scholar yaE07AAAAAJ
ORCID 0000-0003-2382-1728
Researcher ID B-8331-2008
Scientific profile

Dr. Jose Luis Palau is the Project and Modelling Coordinator at the Fundacion CEAM and invited part-time assistant professor at the University of Valencia where he teaches meteorology applied to atmospheric pollutant dispersion for master students since 2007. PI and coordinator in several National and European R&D Projects. Elected as vice-chairman of the Specialized Group on Atmospheric and Ocean Physics at the Royal Spanish Society of Physics.

He was graduated in Physics at the University of Barcelona (Spain) in 1992. M.A.Sc. in Environmental Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Cataluña (1996) and Ph.D. in meteorology and air pollutant dispersion (University of Valencia, 2003). Joined CEAM in 1996 to study dispersion from tall stacks, development a methodology for the intercomparison of remote sensing and fixed ground-level monitoring sites, with high-resolution Lagrangian particule dispersion models.

Winner of the “Rotary Club” student award (1990) to the best experimental study at the University of Valencia (Spain), he was co-author of the “best paper of the year 2007” within the CARBOEUROE-IP project published at the Journal “Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics”.

Since 1996, he has participated in twelve EU-funded project/actions, being the coordinator of eight national and regional R&D projects. He has been involved as PI in several European collaborative projects in the 7th Framework Program - FUMAPEX, CIRCE, AMIS, the NetWork of Excellence ACCENT and as a researcher in COST Action 715 (Meteorology Applied to Urban Air Pollution), in COST Action 728 (Enhancing meso-scale meteorological modelling capabilities for air pollution and dispersion applications) and in COST Action ES0802 (Unmanned aerial Systems –UAS- in atmospheric research).

Currently, he is the PI of a LIFE project (LIFE Nanomonitor), and the coordinator of the National Research Project: VERSUS. Since 2010, he is chairman of the International Conference on Meteorology and Climatology of the Mediterranean (MetMed Conference), and member of the editorial board of the Spanish Meteorological Journal Tethys and of the Journal “Air, Soil & Water Research".