Els resultats dels projectes d'investigació del departament de Meteorologia i Dinàmica de Contaminants de la Fundació CEAM es plasmen en la participació en publicacions i congressos científics. El llistat complet de publicacions i participacions en congressos es pot consultar en aquest enllaç.
Articles en revistes científiques (2010-2017) | ||
Sea Surface Temperature in the Mediterranean: Trends and Spatial Patterns (1982–2016). Pastor, F., Valiente, J.A. & Palau, J.L. Pure Appl. Geophys. (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00024-017-1739-z | ||
Querol, X., Gangoiti, G., Mantilla, E., Alastuey, A., Minguillón, M. C., Amato, F., Reche, C., Viana, M., Moreno, T., Karanasiou, A., Rivas, I., Pérez, N., Ripoll, A., Brines, M., Ealo, M., Pandolfi, M., Lee, H. K., Eun, H. R., Park, Y. H., Escudero, M., Beddows, D., Harrison, R. M., Bertrand, A., Marchand, N., Lyasota, A., Codina, B., Olid, M., Udina, M., Jiménez-Esteve, B., Soler, M. R., Alonso, L., Millán, M. M., and Ahn, K. H., 2017. Phenomenology of high-ozone episodes in NE Spain. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 17: 2817-2838. http://dx.doi.org/10.5194/acp-17-2817-2017 | ||
Palau, J.L., Rovira, F. and Sales, M.J. Satellite Observations of the Seasonal Evolution of Total Precipitable Water Vapour over the Mediterranean Sea. Advances in Meteorology Volume 2017. https://doi.org/10.1155/2017/4790541 | ||
Niclos, R., Valiente, J. A., Barberá, M. J., and Coll, C., 2015. An autonomous system to take angular thermal-infrared measurements for validating satellite products. Remote Sensing, 7: 15269-15294. | ||
Pastor, F., Valiente, J. A., and Estrela, M. J., 2015. Sea surface temperature and torrential rains in the Valencia region: modelling the role of recharge areas. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 15: 1677-1693. | ||
Palau, J. L. and Rovira, F., 2015. Meso-alpha scale tropospheric interactions within the Western Mediterranean Basin: Statistical results using 15-year NCEP/NCAR reanalysis dataset. Advances in Meteorology, vol. 2015: 1-11. | ||
Barberá, M. J., Niclos, R., Estrela, M. J., and Valiente, J. A., 2015. Climatology of the stability and humidity terms in the Haines Index to improve the estimate of forest fire risk in the Western Mediterranean Basin (Valencia region, Spain). International Journal of Climatology, 35: 1212-1223. | ||
Corell, D., 2014. Estudio estadístico de la potencialidad de uso del agua de niebla como recurso hídrico en el litoral mediterráneo de la Península Ibérica. Doctor por la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. Departamento de Estadística e Investigación Operativa Aplicadas y Calidad. | ||
Millán, M. M., 2014. Extreme hydrometeorological events and climate change predictions in Europe. Journal of Hydrology, 118, Part B: 206-224. | ||
Palau, J. L., Mantilla, E., Valiente, J. A., and Pastor, F., 2014. Temperaturas Extremas en la Comunitat Valenciana Verano 2014. Fundación CEAM. Paterna (Valencia). 76 pp. | ||
Estrela, M. J., Pastor, F., and Gómez-Domenech, I., 2013. Factores de riesgo meteorológico por precipitaciones torrenciales en el este de la Península Ibérica. In: García-Legaz, C. and Valero, F., (eds.). Fenómenos meteorológicos adversos en España. 113-126. | ||
Estrela, M. J., Pastor, F., and Gómez-Domenech, I., 2013. Meteorological risk factors and torrential precipitation in the Spain Mediterranean Coast. In: García-Legaz, C. and Valero, F., (eds.). Adverse weather in Spain. | ||
Kallos, G., Mitsakou, C., Alastuey, A., van Aardenne, J., Astitha, M., Cusack, M., Doering, U., Gerasopoulus, E., Hatzianastassiou, N., Kanakidou, M., Kushta, J., Lelieveld, J., Levin, Z., Mihalopoulus, N., Millán, M. M., Palau, J. L., Pérez, N., Pey, J., Querol, X., Solomos, S., Spyrou, C., Theodosi, C., and Zerefos, C., 2013. Mechanisms of Climate Variability, Air Quality and Impacts of Atmospheric Constituents in the Mediterranean Region. In: Navarra, A. and Tubiana, L., (eds.). Regional Assessment of Climate Change in the Mediterranean. Volume 1: Air, Sea and Precipitation and Water. 119-156. Springer Netherlands | ||
Castell, N., Tellez, L., and Mantilla, E., 2012. Daily, seasonal and monthly variations in ozone levels recorded at the Turia river basin in Valencia (Eastern Spain). Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 19: 3461-3480. | ||
Doval, M., Castell, N., Téllez, L., and Mantilla, E., 2012. The use of experimental data and their uncertainty for assessing ozone photochemistry in the Eastern Iberian Peninsula. Chemosphere, 89: 796-804. | ||
Gómez, I., Marín, M. J., Pastor, F., and Estrela, M. J., 2012. Improvement of the Valencia region ultraviolet index (UVI) FORECASTING SYSTEM. Computers & Geosciences, 41: 72-82. | ||
Llavador, F., Espinós, H., and Mantilla, E., 2012. Estimation of hydrogen sulfide emission rates at several wastewater treatment plants through experimental concentration measurements and dispersion modeling. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 62: 758-766. | ||
Llavador, F., Espinós, H., Mantilla, E., Gómez, T., Campos, A., and Coll, C., 2012. Characterization of the olfactory impact around a wastewater treatment plant: Optimization and validation of a hydrogen sulfide determination procedure based on passive diffusion sampling. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 62: 863-872. | ||
Palau, J. L. and Rovira, F., 2012. A methodology for the characterization of periodicities in nonsteady time series: application to tropospheric ozone recharging cycles in the western Mediterranean basin. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 29: 1644-1656. | ||
Pastor, F., 2012. Ciclogénesis intensas en la cuenca occidental del Mediterráneo y temperatura superficial del mar: Modelización y evaluación de las áreas de recarga. Doctor en Ciencias Físicas. Departament d'Astronomia i Meteorologia. Facultad de Física. Universitat de Barcelona. | ||
Castell, N., Mantilla, E., Stein, A. F., Salvador, R., and Millán, M. M., 2011. Simulation and evaluation of control strategies for ozone reduction in a complex terrain in southwestern Spain. Environmental Modeling & Assessment, 16: 565-576. | ||
Niclos, R., Galve, J. M., Valiente, J. A., Estrela, M. J., and Coll, C., 2011. Accuracy assessment of land surface temperature retrievals from MSG2-SEVIRI data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 115: 2126-2140. | ||
Gangoiti, G., Sáez de Cámara, E., Alonso, L., Navazo, M., Gómez, M. C., Iza, J., García, J. A., Ilardia, J. L., and Millán, M. M., 2011. Origin of the water vapor responsible for the European extreme rainfalls of August 2002: 1. High-resolution simulations and tracking of air masses. Journal of Geophysical Research, 116: D21102 | ||
Gangoiti, G., Gómez-Domenech, I., Sáez de Cámara, E., Alonso, L., Navazo, M., Iza, J., García, J. A., Ilardia, J. L., and Millán, M. M., 2011. Origin of the water vapor responsible for the European extreme rainfalls of August 2002. Journal of Geophysical Research, 116: D21103 | ||
Gómez, I., Pastor, F., and Estrela, M. J., 2011. Sensitivity of a mesoscale model to different convective parameterization schemes in a heavy rain event. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 11: 343-357. | ||
Valiente, J. A., Estrela, M. J., Corell, D., Fuentes, D., Valdecantos, A., and Baeza, M. J., 2011. Fog water collection and reforestation at a mountain location in a western Mediterranean basin region: air-mass origins and synoptic analysis. Erdkunde, 65: 277-290. | ||
Vera, T., Muñoz, A., and Palau, J. L., 2012. Pesticide residues in the atmosphere. In: Rathore, H. S. and Nollet, L. M. L., (eds.). Pesticides. Evaluation of environmental pollution. 203-232. CRC Press | ||
Castell, N., Mantilla, E., Salvador, R., Stein, A. F., and Millán, M. M., 2010. Photochemical model evaluation of the surface ozone impact of a power plant in a heavily industrialized area of southwestern Spain. Journal of Environmental Management, 91: 662-676. | ||
Castell, N., Mantilla, E., Stein, A. F., Salvador, R., and Millán, M. M., 2010. A modeling study of the impact of a power plant on ground-level ozone in relation to its location: Southwestern Spain as a case study. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 209: 61-79. | ||
Estrela, M. J., Valiente, J. A., Corell, D., and Azorin-Molina, C., 2010. Análisis de la variabilidad espacial de la captación pasiva de agua de niebla en relación a la estacionalidad y a los patrones de viento en una región mediterránea (Comunidad Valenciana). In: Fernández García, F., Galán, E., and Cañada, R., (eds.). Clima, Ciudad y Ecosistemas. Publicaciones de la Asociación Española de Climatología (AEC) Serie A, nº. 7 | ||
Gómez, I., Pastor, F., and Estrela, M. J., 2010. Sensitivity of precipitation forecast to convective parameterization in the October 2007 Flash Flood in the Valencia Region (Eastern Spain). Advances in Geosciences, 26: 7-11. | ||
Gómez, I. and Estrela, M. J., 2010. Design and development of a Java-based graphical user interface to monitor/control a meteorological real-time forescasting system. Computers & Geosciences, 36: 1345-1354. | ||
Llavador, F., Campos, A., Espinós, H., and Mantilla, E., 2010. Monitoring olfactory impacts associated with wastewater treatment plants by using diffusive samplers for the determination of hydrogen sulphide. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 23: 123-128. | ||
Llavador, F., Espinós, H., Campos, A., and Mantilla, E., 2010. Estimation of hydrogen sulphide emissions at several wastewater treatment plants through experimental measurements by using passive samplers. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 23: 213-218. | ||
Niclos, R., Estrela, M. J., Valiente, J. A., and Barberá, M. J., 2010. Clasificación periódica de coberturas terrestres a escala regional con imágenes MODIS. GeoFocus, 10: 1-17. | ||
Niclos, R., Estrela, M. J., Valiente, J. A., and Barberá, M. J., 2010. Análisis de correlaciones entre la temperatura del aire y la temperatura de las superficies vegetadas medida con radiometría térmica. Revista de Teledetección, 34: 36-43. | ||
Niclos, R., Estrela, M. J., Valiente, J. A., and Barberá, M. J., 2010. Proposal and validation of an emissivity-dependent algorithm to retrieve sea-surface temperature from MSG-SEVIRI data. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 7: 786-790. | ||
Pastor, F., Gómez, I., and Estrela, M. J., 2010. Numerical study of the October 2007 flash flood in the Valencia region (Eastern Spain): the role of orography. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 10: 1331-1345. |