Demonstration of the effectiveness of photocatalytic textile in order to reduce the atmospheric concentration of nitrogen oxides (NOx) to a limit lower than 40 mg/m3 established by European law.
A maximum reduction rate of 30% in NOx concentration is expected in the chamber tests, whilst a maximum of 20% of reduction is expected in the field campaigns (in the vicinity of the sampling points).
(It must be noted that such NOx depollution is an important figure: 20% NOx reduction will be a very successful result for most of the polluted scenarios considered)
VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds), HNO3 (compound related to acid rain), O3 and other pollutants will be measured as an added value to the project. Reductions in at least one of the compounds in amounts around 15-20% below the concentrations measured before the application of textile are going to be considered as an added value benefit